Thinking About Ohio

Thinking About Ohio

A new series highlighting Ohio’s heritage, history, and innovation. Thinking About Ohio books show Ohio's impact to the nation. These books are authored by a diverse group of scholars and experts whose research ranges from archival, historical, and ethnographic to statistical and quantitative. Embedded open access resources allow readers to interact with content, maps, and primary sources while reading.

Every book in the series will fall into at least one of eight major focus areas.

A wheel with Thinking About Ohio in the center and eight categories at the end of each spoke. The categories are health; science and innovation; the natural and built environment; history and politics; communities and regions; argiculture, industry, and manufacturing; arts, culture, sports, and recreation; and transportation, aviation, and space.

Publications in the Thinking About Ohio series feature interactive texts with digital content accessible either through a direct link or a QR code. These digital components include maps, videos, recordings, pictures, and more. These QR codes will not just be found in the books but added into important historical areas around Ohio. This allows people throughout the state to easily access new information to add to the depth and context of their experiences whether they are traveling or just finding something new about their home.

If you are interested in contributing to the Thinking About Ohio series, then you can find more information at our call for proposals.

If you have any questions about the series or the University of Cincinnati Press, then you can email us at

A logo featuring a blue silhouette of the state of Ohio with the words, "Thinking About Ohio" laid over top.

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