“Service Learning Collaboratory” in “Service-Learning Collaboratory”
Service Learning Collaboratory
The Service Learning Collaboratory gives you the opportunity to explore and meet a community need as part of a cross-disciplinary team charged with completing a specific project.
Each term, the model is the same but the subjects and collaborators change to cover a variety of industries and disciplines. You can expect relatively little traditional lecture. Much of your learning occurs through interactions with peers, instructors, clients and expert guests. Your learning will be active, engaged, hands-on and real.
In the course catalog, the course number is SLCE 5001.
Recent Projects
Digital Transformation: Advancing Communities
Students worked on researching, designing, and implementing solutions to help adult learners prepare for a career in technology. Students learned new digital skills and explored leadership, teamwork, collaboration, social justice and social change.
Saturday Hoops
Saturday Hoops in Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood lets kids be kids: Every Saturday morning, kids come to play basketball, make arts and crafts, do yoga, and enjoy similar activities in the company of adult volunteers who serve as role models. In the fall 2018 course, students are working on a public relations and marketing campaign to bring more attention and volunteers to Saturday Hoops.
Rise Together
In spring 2018, the Service Learning Collaboratory paired FC Cincinnati soccer players and staff with University of Cincinnati students and faculty, along with students and teachers from Carson Elementary in Lower Price Hill to address issues related to bullying and youth engagement. Through the Pay It Forward Student Philanthropy Grant, the course received funding to support the relaunching near the school of a “futsol” court, a space where communities can explore how to "Rise Together.”
Digital Storytelling
This concept originated in relationships with the Mayerson Foundation’s High School Service Learning Program and two local high schools – Riverview East and Madeira. In the class, UC students and faculty worked with high school students and faculty to create digital storytelling projects that highlighted each high school’s service learning efforts. The final projects were showcased at an end of year celebration to which stakeholders from all participating campuses were invited.
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